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Irrigation with enema and (total) intestinal cleansing for tightlacing with tight corsets


The care of the digestive system is an important point for all those who want to lace tightly or very tightly. In earlier times, this subject was given the necessary attention by corset-wearing women, unlike today.

Intestinal cleansing for tightlacing with tight corsets

In the following some practical things are mentioned which can precede the wearing of a corset as a ‘cure’, but which can also be useful after a longer wearing before a new constriction. For only moderate constriction the procedure described below is not absolutely necessary (but also not disadvantageous). If it seems too extreme at first glance, just read it over and then judge. You can certainly benefit a lot from it when wearing tight or very tight corsets.

Of all the methods for intensive colon cleansing, enemas are the gentlest. Therefore, the following are approaches on how you can perform gentle yet effective bowel cleansing using simple tools. If you do this every now and then before putting on the corset, you will be able to lace up tighter and still feel better.

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Irrigation and enemas

The enema, the flushing of the colon with warm water, is one of the oldest natural remedies. Before each enema, you should perform an abdominal self-massage lasting 10 to 15 minutes. It greatly enhances the effect of an enema. It may make the enema really effective, whereas without the massage it would be crowned with minimal success. With an abdominal self-massage, you can often save yourself a second enema.

Normal enema

For a normal enema it is enough to use an intestinal tube with a pump balloon integrated in the middle. From one part of the tube the air is pumped; to fill the pump balloon, it is immersed in the sink filled with warm water. The other end of the tube is rubbed with petroleum jelly or a simple multipurpose cream and inserted into the anus (have paper towels ready to wipe the tube). While making the enema, it is best to kneel on the floor and pump the water into the bowel until a sensation of fullness is felt and the emptying pressure begins. The procedure should be repeated; this improves the result.

The normal enema is usually insufficient as a preparation for lacing. Therefore, the high enema should be performed whenever possible.

First High enema for cleansing of the colon

It is called a ‘‘high’’ enema because not only the rectum but the entire colon is flushed. I also advise you to use this effective form of colonic irrigation, which you perform while lying down. When buying an irrigator and intestinal tube (pharmacy), please make sure that the intestinal tube (diameter 8 mm) can be put on the tap of the irrigator cup! In the pharmacy you can also get bicarbonate of soda (a teaspoon makes the water softer), tincture of chamomile (a few drops in the liquid soothe an irritated bowel) and cellulose cloths.

Here’s how to do the high enema:

  • Cover the bed or a lounger in the bathroom with a plastic sheet and cellulose wipes. Fill the irrigator (close the tap beforehand!) with about 1 liter of warm water for the first application, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda or 5 to 8 drops of chamomile tincture. Connect the intestinal tube to the vessel, open the tap and drain some water into a bowl (removes the air from the tube) Close the tap. Lubricate the end of the tube halfway with petroleum jelly or cream. Hang the vessel high on a hook.
  • Lie on your left side (this is where the descending colon runs) and insert the tube into the anus, pressing gently against it - as you would during a bowel movement. When you feel a slight stop (beginning of the fecal reservoir), open the tap of the irrigator and let the water flow in. Breathe calmly and relaxed during this process.

Second high enema for total cleansing of the colon

Most of the time, the first high enema does not succeed in allowing all the water to flow into the bowel because the emptying pressure becomes too intense as the fecal reservoir is still filled. If the pressure becomes very intense, it is better to empty the bowel. If there is no more urge to defecate after emptying, the second enema can be connected immediately. This time it already goes much better! In most cases, the amount of water can now be increased because there is more space in the bowel. A good guide is 1.5 to 2 liters, depending on body size. The water now flows in easily and without much resistance. Deep breaths help it to distribute effortlessly to the descending colon. If the feeling of pressure intensifies this time as well, there is still plenty of feces in the intestine.

If possible, do not stop at the second enema, but only close the tap temporarily, take a deep breath and wait until the feeling of pressure decreases and stops. After that, open the tap again and slowly let the rest of the water flow in. After closing the tap, carefully pull out the intestinal tube.

  • Remain lying on your left side for another two minutes. Then turn onto your back for two minutes and finally onto your right side for two minutes.
  • While lying on your back, you can do a light abdominal self-massage.
  • After these six minutes (never wait longer) you should go to the toilet.

During the changes of position after the enema, the water flows first into the descending colon (when lying on the left side), then into the transverse colon (when lying on the back), and finally into the ascending colon (when lying on the right side); during the first enemas, the water will not be able to reach the beginning of the ascending colon because there are (still) too many passage obstacles that need to be cleared. After a few more enemas, however, this will be more successful.

Complete intestinal flush and total intestinal cleansing to make tightlacing with tight corsets easier

Be warned: This is an extreme method!!!

If you want a complete intestinal cleansing (small intestine and large intestine) before putting on the corset, an additional Epsom salt application is useful. The following sequence gives good success:

  • One or more high enemas at intervals of a few hours the day before, as described above (empties the colon). The target point is that the coming out irrigation liquid is as clear as possible.
  • One day of Epsom salt application, as described below (empties the small and large intestines).
  • After completion of the Epsom salt application, if necessary, a final high enema in the evening (removes residue from the colon). The corset is then applied the next morning and usually can be laced tighter than before the cleansing.

People with health problems (cardiovascular, cramps, diabetes, high blood pressure, severe diseases, etc.) should refrain from this due to the increased magnesium intake, circulatory stress and the general stress of this nevertheless very extreme procedure. Please consult your physician before using any of the advice given here. No responsibility can be taken for any medical consequences. Use the advice at your own risk!

An important part of a complete intestinal cleansing is the use of laxative saline (salty) springs. In Karlovy Vary, Dr. Mayr first made his patients drink the water of the Karl Spring - as much as they felt like. The main acting salt of this spring is magnesium sulfate, also called “Epsom salt” because of its taste. You can make your own Epsom salt drink.

Buy 200 grams of crystalline magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) at the pharmacy. Get a drinking vessel that holds at least 250 ml, preferably a glass with appropriate markings. Put a teaspoon of Epsom salt in it, fill up to 250 ml with drinking warm water, stir well.

On an empty stomach, drink the solution quickly, stopping only once or twice. The purpose of the exercise is to fill the stomach quickly and also empty it quickly. If you can manage it, drink a second glass and, if necessary, another one after about 30 minutes. This strongly stimulates the pathway reflex, so that emptying usually takes place within half an hour after taking the Epsom salts. This is followed by further emptying at longer intervals. Afterwards, you should exercise, for example, by brushing your body vigorously during your morning shower. The amount of solution drunk can be further increased during the day until about lunchtime, depending on your ability. In the medical field, up to 3 liters are drunk in one day before colonoscopies! However, drink only as much as you can manage without problems, rather take longer breaks.

During the Epsom salt day no solid food should be taken. Against the hunger feeling helps warm tea, apple juice spritzer, more Epsom salt solution or, as used in some fasting clinics, wine!

If you dislike the taste of the Epsom salt drink, add a few squirts of lemon. However, if the aversion is indeed insurmountable, take F.X. Passage salt (you can get it at the pharmacy), developed by a fellow Mayr doctor. It contains some flavor-enhancing additives, so you can drink it very well. But: instead of one teaspoon, you have to use two teaspoons, because the passage salt contains only half as much magnesium sulfate as the Epsom salt. You can easily remedy any nausea if you lie on your right side immediately after drinking (this is where the stomach outlet is located). In the side position, the solution will flow more quickly into the small intestine, and you will be spared the unpleasant “gagging” sensation.

How does the Epsom salt work? Ingeniously with a 2-phase trick: the intestinal wall absorbs part of the magnesium from the magnesium sulfate compound, while the sulfate portion in the intestinal tube binds water to itself, which dissolves and flushes out deposits and encrustations as “rinsing water”. This results in a flushing of the entire digestive tract, in a sense an “enema from above”. The intestinal contents are flushed out as if by a tidal wave. With normal enemas, at best the entire colon is emptied, but with the Epsom salt application the entire digestive tract (stomach, small intestine and colon) can be cleansed. This is usually done at the beginning of fasting cures.

A word about laxatives: They chemically irritate the delicate intestinal mucosa and stimulate the intestine’s own movement. In the long run, this artificial irritation destroys the natural sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa and the ability to digest. The intestine is then comparable to a tired horse, which, repeatedly driven by the whip, pulls the cart along in pain, but eventually reaches the end of its strength. A horse needs rest and care to be able to work - and so does the intestine.

So if they plan to use Epsom salts, it should be only once in a while.

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We are not liable for any damage to health resulting from the correct or incorrect application of our information. Each person must either check or assess their own health suitability or have themselves examined by a doctor in this regard before using our information.

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